Códigos QR

Simplify your marketing campaigns with user-friendly, dynamic, and customizable QR codes. Analyze statistics, optimize your marketing strategy, and boost engagement effortlessly.

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Advanced QR Codes
Customize Colors
Track Scans
Customize Design & Frames
O novo padrão.

QR Codes are omnipresent, and their significance is here to stay. They serve as a valuable asset for your company, enabling easy user capture and conversion. Customize QR codes to align with your company, brand, or product for a personalized touch.

O novo padrão
Rastreável até o ponto.

The beauty of QR codes lies in their versatility—they can encode almost any type of data. Most data types are easily trackable, providing you with precise information on when and from where a person scanned your QR code.

Rastreável até o ponto

Take control of your links

You are just a click away from seizing control of all your links and achieving instant improvements in results.